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Charity of the Year

Make an impact and nominate SANE as your company Charity of the year. We will support you in achieving your COTY objectives.

From organising awareness raising events and providing resources to developing fundraising plans, we can help you every step of the way. We do this via our Black Dog Campaign, workshops, fundraising events, Payroll Giving, volunteering opportunities and support.

To discuss a partnership, please contact Joanna Christophi on 0203 805 1760 or email

Here are some of our amazing COTY partnerships:

Artemis Charitable Foundation

Artemis Charitable Foundation

Artemis is a leading UK-based fund manager, offering a range of funds which invest in the UK, Europe, the US and around the world. The Artemis Charitable Foundation supports charities in the areas of health, poverty, education, and environment. 

The Artemis Charitable Foundation has supported SANE for a number of years.? We have been impressed with how SANE has adapted to the recent challenges of COVID-19 and continued to provide its essential mental health support services which are now more important than ever. Some of our staff have been able to take part in fundraising events for SANE more recently and have been well-supported throughout.” 

Bristows LLP

Bristows is an international law firm providing high-quality legal advice to top-tier innovative clients. Today, it remains an independent firm, bringing together a diverse collection of talent to deliver an exceptional service, with a prominent focus on life sciences, technology, and brands. 

We are delighted to have been supporting SANE for the past two years raising over £15,000 through fundraising activities and events hosted by employees, such as the Bristows Band Night, an Appreciation Week, a 12 Days of Christmas gift giveaway, and our annual Dinner Dance raffle.” 


Woodhurst is an independently minded boutique management consultancy helping financial institutions of all sizes adopt not just the tools and technology, but the culture and capabilities to better serve their end customers. We believe that everyone should have access to better financial solutions and pride ourselves on our tailored and unique approach to delivery. Our work enables our clients to stay ahead of the competition in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

We are delighted to join SANE as one of their Corporate Partners. As a firm, we believe in their vision and the support services SANE provides to those affected by mental illness in the UK. Through this partnership, Woodhurst will spread the word about the invaluable work that SANE does, whilst also volunteering and helping to raise funds.”

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