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Media Campaigner

Our media campaigners come from all walks of life and have lived experience of a broad range of mental illnesses.

What unites them is a passion for sharing their stories, in the hope that this will educate the public and help others to feel less alone.

Media campaigners are very important to our work as we campaign to influence mental health policy and improve services, as well as combating the stigma and ignorance which exacerbates the distress that people experience.

Journalists from all types of media often request to interview people with experiences of different mental health problems, as well as their carers and family members.

By putting people at the heart of a story, a media article can strike a chord with readers, viewers or listeners. As a result an important issue can be highlighted and provide a platform for individuals and families who struggle without the help they need.

Raising awareness

As a SANE media campaigners, you could be on TV or radio, speaking about living with depression or caring for someone with bipolar disorder.

You could be interviewed for a newspaper about your experience of waiting for self-harm treatment, featuring in a magazine talking about schizophrenia, or how social prescribing has helped you to deal with anxiety.

Crucially, you will be helping SANE to raise awareness and encourage an audience to empathise with the complicated issues around mental health.

If you wish you can request to be interviewed anonymously. But throughout all of your media involvement we will support you both before and afterwards.

It is not possible to for us to host paid for content or advertisements. We prefer, where possible, that stories we share on our channels have not appeared online or elsewhere.

If you are interested in sharing your experiences via the media, or helping with our campaigns, please email

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